Monday, June 24, 2013

Formula Coupons
Formula Coupons
When you are pregnant and expecting a baby it's one of the happiest times of your life, but it can be very expensive. When you are pregnant sometimes you forget to sign up for certain websites so that when your baby arrives you can have free items sent to you like free diapers, formula, coupons for baby food, or coupons for stores that sell baby items like Toys R Us, Babies R Us, and Khols. Now this doesn't mean you can't register after the baby arrives, but to get ahead of the ball game I highly suggest registering half a year ahead. This way when you have the baby you have an ample amount of baby items to fall back on as a back up just could possibly help you run out.

When I found out I was having twins I knew what I was in for money wise. Knowing what I needed from having my first son I went ahead and registered right away to a couple of places that I knew of that would give me free stuff. I was able to breastfeed with my first child, but then after a few weeks the supply of breast milk just ran out and I dried up. So knowing how expensive baby formula is and my chances of breastfeeding again I automatically registered with Enfamil while being pregnant with the twins and they hooked me up with great free offers. I received baby formula samples, coupons for formula, and a real cute baby bag, which I wasn't expecting. Having the free baby formula really helped me out in all aspects. Another way I received free baby formula was from my baby's doctor. My doctor knew how expensive the baby formula is so after my twins were born we opted for their first check up and the doctor handed me 8 bottles of formula. Please remember to ask your doctor if she has any formula hanging around, because the formula isn't doing any good there just sitting they offer. Don't be afraid might we all need help from time to time.

The second place for free baby formula and coupons is Nestle Good Start. I signed up for this website like 4 months before my twins were born and I already started to receive free samples of formula, and baby coupons for other baby items. When I was in the hospital the nurse came over and handed me a cute baby bag. I didn't realize where the baby bag came from until my husband told me he handed the nurse my Nestle certificate, which I totally forgot about. So it was really good that hubby remembered to place it into my hospital bag, because all I had on my mind was "Get these twins out now". The free baby bag had a can of Nestle Good Start baby formula in there, which I thought was so cool. I knew I wasn't going to use Nestle to feed my twins so I gave it to one of my friends who was already using Nestle Good Start, but it did come in handy for someone else. So take whatever free baby items you can get your hands on.

Now let's talk about how you can receive free diaper samples or coupons for diapers. With 3 young babies I had lots of diapers. I tried so many different brands to see which diaper would hold the most urine and fit our budget and the winner was White clouds. After using Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, Seventh Generation, Drypers, and Tushies they no where near came close to White Clouds. White Clouds are the best choice to go, especially for the price and the amount of diapers you can buy. A box of White Cloud diapers will cost you about $12. Well that's how much they were 2 years ago. Along with using the White Cloud diapers I received free diaper samples and coupons from Seventh Generation. Ok, I really didn't care for this diaper brand, but whatever I received in diapers or coupons I gave to people I know who could use them.

Other spots I heard that gives away free baby formula, coupons, or diapers are Huggies, Pampers, Gerber, Beech-nut, Similac, Parents choice, Earth's Best, Yeahbaby. com, hospital, and baby's only. Another great way of getting more baby formula is ask for it as a baby shower gift.

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