Friday, April 26, 2013

Your Fruit Trees Need To Be Cared For Properly
Your Fruit Trees Need To Be Cared For Properly
This is for you if you recently planted a new fruit tree, and you are not an expert on fruit trees. Disease and pestilence kill fruit trees, especially in their beginning years, but more of them die because of poor care. To ensure immediate success with your tree, it is important for you to know how to take care of it, and for its future health as well.

As the tree is growing in its beginning stages, it hasn't necessarily developed strength for supporting its fruit, and sometimes entire branches break off. Before this happens, you should provide external support, by propping them up with boards or tying them to something higher. By doing this, you will protect them until they can sustain themselves. To make it past one season, the tree needs proper nutrition in order to survive, and also for the fruit produced by the tree to be healthy. What exactly the tree needs is dependent on the climate of your location, and the easiest way to find out is from your local nursery employees. They can help you probably better than anyone.

One of the bigger mistakes a lot of people make, is to give their trees insane amounts of water, thinking that is the way to healthy trees. In most cases, it is actually better for them to have too little water, than too much. When you give them too much water, your entire tree could die, or it might just have a negative effect on the fruit. Never try to solve a problem with your fruit trees by giving them extra water. When there are problems with your tree, find where the problem is coming from and fix it there.

Anytime you see branches that look either damaged or diseased, removing them is what you should do first. It is a waste of nutrients for the tree to be trying to feed branches that are beyond being saved. Chopping off the bad branches as soon as they are becoming unhealthy can save the healthier branches. At least trim them down to places where they might still be growing. You need to be aware of what is going on, once the tree gets into the picking stage. You need to pick the fruit as it is ready, and pick the bad ones that no one will be eating, and throw them away. Do the same with any fruit that has fallen to the ground. Any fruit that begins to rot must be gotten rid of, since they are a perfect home for unwanted insects.

It can be a daunting task for you if you get fruit trees and take proper care of them. Just keeping track of everything the tree needs to keep healthy, seems impossible. You should be okay, if you water the trees the right amount, and give them enough nutrients, your trees will produce delicious fruit.

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