Sunday, June 9, 2013

Feed Your Cells With Cellfood

Feed Your Cells With Cellfood
Cellular contamination is mainy

caused by a defiency of oxygen. The reason is that

oxygen is detoxifier like no other and if there is not enough

poisonous substances start

to destroy

bodily functions and reduce the human body of

life sustaining energy.

The first signs of oxygen

depletion may be:
overall weak¬ness,general weakness,

chronic fatigue, problems with
circulation, digestion problems aching

muscles dizziness, mood swings

memory issues, irrational behavior,
unusual behavior,bad temper acid reflux and

breathing problems,

If the immune system is suffering due to a lack
of oxygen, the body becomes
easier able to contractbacterial, viral, and
bacterial infections
common colds and influenza

In the end a deficiency of oxygen can

That can claim your life

Dr. Otto Warburg, well-known biochemist
and winner of a nobel
prize in nineteen

thirty one said that cancer cells cannot

in an environment that

has high oxygen content His talks revealed
when oxidation fails and fermenta¬tion is
used for a
cell's energy, the

road to cancer has started

Dr. Warburg has indicated that "The prime cause of
cancer is the
replace¬ment of the normal oxygen respiration of body
cells by an anaerobic (without oxygen) cell respiration."
This discovery by Dr
Warburg proves how critical oxygen is to our existence

Scientists and
doctors in the know agree upon the fact that
the most normal reason of
metabolic illnesses is blood deficient of oxygen. this can be discerned by the presense of
uric acid in the body. Uric acid formed all over the body is the
basic"cause of many terrible
diseases. Ordinary man

imagines uric acidto be a liquid.

It can look like a
mixture but actually it is

like a fine crystalised powder

Because it cannot be
dissolved it is extremely

For the body
to now get better the

body has to take in sufficient oxygen
get back its energy and (cleanse|
detoxify )

itself of poisonous matter

Another critical role that oxygen
plays in the body is that of guardian and protector
against other diseases and unfriendly bacteria.

One of oxygen's
main jobs is disintegration,
garbage, toxins,
debris, and any foreign matter are
killed by
oxygen and transported out of the

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